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LABSCA - Laboratório de Sistemas Computacionais Autônomos

  • Divisão de Ciência da Computação (IEC)
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA)
  • LABSCA - Autonomous Computational Systems Lab

  • Computer Science Division
  • Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA)
  • Robots and computer
    LABSCA provides physical and computational infrastructure support for research projects in Machine Learning, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Vision and, more generally, topics involving autonomous operation of mobile computing systems in unmodeled or only partially modeled environments. Due to its nature, the Lab's activities are multidisciplinar, and involve concepts of Computing, Electronics and Mechanics. We are engajed in design and experimentation of technologies for real scenarios, construction of proofs of concept. These efforts may constitute new knowledge through academic dissemination or become products through Intellectual property rights.
    Research Areas: Autonomous systems, Robotics, Computational Vision, Machine Learning, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Complex Systems and Multiagent Systems



    The laboratory works in an integrated manner with specific work subgroups such as the AIRGroup, dedicated to research on multi-robot systems and complex networks, and ITAndroids, dedicated to Mobile Robotics projects for academic competitions.