Open Opportunities

(1) Master student in Embedded Systems

Research Area:
Embedded Systems Design & Reconfigurable Computing

Brief Descriptions:

  1. The graduate student will investigate new high-level programming languages and even dialects, and tools to fill a gap in heterogeneous systems development. At the same time, the impacts on performance have to be taken into account as the number of layers in the system development increases, due to automatic code generation and high-level modeling.

  2. Another possible research branch here is related to the study and identification of new heterogeneous hardware architectures, as the complexity of these systems is higher and higher along with the increasing demand for high computational power.

  3. A third branch addresses the research concerning the study of various open source initiatives including RISC-V and Open FPGA. The idea is to compare them and assess their applicability in different domains, e.g. machine learning algorithms.
The candidate is expected to be highly motivated to conduct research and must have the ability to work individually and in teams. A good English level is required.
The applicant should hold a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent. Very good analytical and programming skills are expected. The knowledge in one or more of the following is desired: system modeling, formal methods, synthesis tools and compilers, functional programming, hardware & software co-design, FPGAs, embedded software, embedded system design, and high-level synthesis.

We have a long-term research collaboration with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm/Sweden in which the student will also be part.

Related Research Project:
Related Papers and Repos:
  1. D. S. Loubach, R. Bonna, G. Ungureanu, I. Sander and I. Söderquist, "Classification and Mapping of Model Elements for Designing Runtime Reconfigurable Systems,". 2021. in IEEE Access, 24 pages. doi:

  2. ForSyDe-Deep -- A Deep-Embedded Synthesizer for ForSyDe Models, Online

  3. Loubach, Denis S.. Fundamental Concepts to Build a Runtime Reconfigurable Virtual Platform Model. In: 2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 2021, Budva. 2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 2021. p. 1. doi:

  4. Loubach, Denis S.. An Overview of Cyber-Physical Systems' Hardware Architecture Concerning Machine Learning. In: 2021 IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2021, San Antonio. 2021 IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2021. p. 1-8. doi:

Send me an email dloubach {at} ita {dot} br with the subject "MSc student in Embedded Systems" to start discussing a research proposal.

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